Hip Injuries
Hip injuries are common for all age groups.
Pain may be caused by local structures within or around the hip or groin, or, may be referred from other sources (such as the lower back, pelvis or SIJ (Sacro-Iliac Joint).
The way your hip joint functions can also be affected by lower limb biomechanics involving your knee, foot and ankle plus your thigh and calf muscles.
What could be causing my hip pain?
With the hip joint and surrounding structures having such a complex relationship to each other, diagnosis of the source of hip pain can be difficult.
Common conditions that can cause hip pain include:
Hip Flexor Strain
Lower Back Injuries
Sacro-Iliac Joint Dysfunction
Hip pain is a specialist interest of the Leading Edge Physiotherapists. Your Leading Edge Physio will spend the time with you to fully assess the origin of your hip pain and investigate whether it is a hip joint, muscular, nerve or biomechanics issue.
How do you diagnose what is causing my hip pain?
Successful treatment of your hip pain relies upon a thorough examination of the:
Function of your entire lower limb (foot, ankle, knee and hip)
Lower back structures
Pelvis and SIJ function and alignment
Strength and control of the muscles in your hip, thigh and abdominal region
The mobility and function of the nerves controlling the muscles
Biomechanics of the hip joint as a whole and in isolation
Only after a thorough hip assessment, can your hip pain be effectively rehabilitated to relieve your current hip pain and joint dysfunction, which will ultimately prevent the return of your hip pain in the future.
I have hip pain, what should I do right now?
To help your injury resolve as fast as possible:
avoid or modify activities and positions, which cause your pain. Recovery is easier if you stop irritating the hip.
rest a pillow between your legs when sleeping on your side for prolonged periods
Your next step is to have your hip pain assessed by a Leading Edge Physiotherapist. Contact us or book online today.